Friday 9 July 2010

Household Chores

Hello my boys!!
Welcome back to your lesson on household chores. Today you will make an avatar presentation about your friend. Please use the information from your class survey to make a presentation on

Remember your presentation should include this information about your friend:
What is their name?
Do they get an allowance?
How much allowance do they get?
How do they spend their allowance?
What household chores do they have to do?
How often do they do chores?

Keith's avatar

Get a Voki now!

Homework for Allowances

Hello Masan Middle School boys.
Please listen to the avatar instructions for your homework. Then don't forget to take the allowances poll posted in the blog before you leave.

Get a Voki now!

Write a short paragraph by answering these questions:

Some parents require their children to earn allowance by doing work around the house. Other parents do not give allowance at all (no allowance). Still others give money to their children without any work.

What do your parents do? Why?

Do you work at home? Why?

How do you spend your money?

Post a picture of something you want to buy with your paragraph.